The U.S. of America
Domestic Issues: Jobs, spending, economic growth and Education are the major domestic issues being considered as priorities by our legislative representatives and Obama Administration
A) Jobs seem to be evincing gradually in lieu of losses. This is due to a
reinvesting in our infrastructure, our investment in those large institu-
tions that provide domestic jobs, tax legislation credits and incentives
to inspire Small Business growth and Entrepreneural chance taking,
Housing market incentives through percentage reduction on loans
and mortgages.
* An issue of concern is the recent publication of the disparity in the
hiring of men vs women for jobs available.
* The House of Representatives was returned to the Republicans by
voters on the issue of Jobs. They have spent all there time trying to re-
call the Health Care Reform program, destroy the middle class through
break up of unions, cut all programs that are for education, the poor,
the voice of NPR, deregulate the EPA programs, etc. They, the GOP/Tea
Party have expended their time in a destructive endeavor rather than to
their campaign promises of introducing legislation for jobs building.
B) Spending is being tossed around in Congress with the unfortunate
continued bipolar bias that that is being voted on strictly along poli-
tical lines. Unfortuantely, many of the spending issues that are being
considered for the 'cutting board' are those that are going to affect
the common folk and the legislatures are voting based on a bottom
line basis that affects their individual personal interests.
* My personal injection is that congress members should be reedu-
cated with a mandatory course on 'morals and ethics', on the
nuances of our Democracy taught by Sam Harris, Philosopher/author
or Amy Chua, Prof. of World Econ. and Political Sci.
C) Economic growth is a mindset of whether the Spending is an expendi-
ture or an investment. Our 'free market' economy has been historically
advanced with expansion or diminishment by way of a domestic mindset
that incites more or less investment. The country, after six to eight years
of downward growth, seems to finally be turning toward a positive mind-
set of investment and job growth. This will 'snowball' in a free market
economy. We must welcome new approaches, new ideas.
* Our Republican and Tea Party friends(no difference) are attempting to
dwell or highlight all the negatives possible to not allow the Obama admin-
istration to seem successful in their efforts. After all, 'defeat the Obama
administration at all costs, just say 'no' GOP politics is still in affect.
D) Education must be the number one issue our Country must address in regard
to the growth of our Nation with the underlying impetus directed toward our
children and people. Our societal priorities must be rearranged making edu-
cation and all associated contributers, ie. teachers, buildings, class rooms,
libraries, etc., the top investment by America. President Obama and his wife
Michelle are very strong advocates and proponents of education being the
foremost priority of this country and every community. They are both Phd.
certified extremely erudite and published authors. This allows them the
right and qualified to press the importance of education.
* Education is key to growth of not only the individual but the community
and the Nation.
International Issues: The Iraq, Afghanistan Wars, Trade Markets, Interna-
tional politics and now Libya
A) President Obama kept his promise to pull our 'fighting' soldiers out of Irag.
Of course we still have round troops in the outskirts to oversee the transition
ot Iraq's new construct. Their version of the integration of their political per-
suasions, ie; Sunni, Shia, secular etc.
* G.W. Bush's war of choice finally coming to an end.
B) Afghanistan was also started by President Bush for an appropriate reason,
9/11, but later dropped the ball and chose to start a war with Iraq leaving
our soldiers in Afghanistan in much greater harms way by pulling out Amer-
ica's resources. We had the Taliban on the run if not almost defeated at least
in their people's minds, we had al Qaeda hiding and also running scared yet
the Bush administration; Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, wanted oil instead of cap-
turing the head and tentacles of those responsible for 9/11.
*This manifested very deceitful, ill-informed, incapable leadership.
C) International Trade and Market policies are being reintroduced into real dis-
course and negotiations with the oil industrial nations, the dollar vs yuan valu-
ation with China along with it's trade policies and the highlighting of the need
to redevelop American made products and industry both domestically consum-
ed and injected back into a very competitive international market. It raises the
bar for quality produced products by our labor force and industry.
D) Libya, the most recent military action by the US has been action taken not
without designated United Nations Charter. It will be strictly abided by and
in accordance to Security Council Resolution 1973 of a 'No fly zone'. We
will not invoke a ground troop mission without the approval of the United
States Congress and in coordination with a United Nations direction. This is
what President Obama has stated and continued with the reason for US mili-
tary involvment is a humanitarian mission trying to keep pro Gadhafi forces
from massacring his own civilians by bombing them. The US was condemned
for not assissting soon enough in Bosnia, Darfur, Rwanda. There is criticism on
both sides of this action. "...Winging it" stated by Sec. of Def., Gates, conti-
nues to cause debate of our or plan or lack of to extricate ourselves as the
country in charge of this military action and whether President's Barack Obama
over reached the Constitution's: Informed Consent.
We the people of the United States of America are in extremely precarious times domestically and certainly internationally. We must all become involved by writing our congressman or congresswoman and speaking out before the political and media pundits state their opinions saying that they speak for us 'the people'(an abused term to connote that they speak for us). We must be very cognizant and diligent so as not to allow these misrepresented voices to manipulate the truth as well as our voices consequentially resulting in undesireable political legislation by our Representatives.
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